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March 14, 2021

Have you ever wanted to live your dream?

Everything in life is not direct path with Robert Miller From Project grand slam




Have you ever wanted to do something but life got in the way? Maybe it was a job, or school, or family. You may have even given up on your dreams because of what other people thought. But that doesn't mean you should give up on them! Robert Miller shares his story and some helpful advice for how to live out your dreams.

We all want to live our best lives possible - so why not start by living out our dreams? The podcast will help you get inspired and motivated with stories. It's time to take your shot at living the dream! Listen now!


podcast: https://www.followyourdreampodcast.com/

Website: https://www.projectgrandslam.com

Store: https://www.thepgsstore.com/  

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/PGSjazz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/projectgrandslam/

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/04BdGdJszDD8WtAFXc9skW

Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/project-grand-slam/274548453

Email: pgs@projectgrandslam.com





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Robert MillerProfile Photo

Robert Miller

Musician, podcaster

Robert Miller was a part time musician for most of his life
who dreamed of playing music full time and becoming a rock
star. But life intruded – family, kids, work – and as he got
older he found his dream was slipping away. Finally, however,
when he was in his 60s and his life was more settled, he
decided it was now or never. He quit everything and jumped
into music full time, a field dominated by much younger
artists, started a band (Project Grand Slam), began writing,
recording and performing his music, worked his way up from
opening act to headliner, and in the process achieved his
dream. His success is totally against the grain of the industry
but shows that anything is possible.